California Cannabis Expungement Guide

California Cannabis Expungement Guide

Discover comprehensive insights into the California cannabis expungement process through these detailed and informative Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). How did California handle expungements for cannabis? California addressed the expungement of cannabis convictions through Proposition 64, which was enacted in 2016. This proposition allowed individuals with prior marijuana offenses to petition their local courts for expungement, which includes the dismissal, sealing, …

sustainable cannabis

The Importance of Sustainability in Cannabis

As regulated cannabis markets and licensed businesses emerge and mature, refining operations to focus on sustainability is necessary. Cannabis businesses must pay attention to environmental factors when measuring their performance and success. Additionally, licensure application prompts are requesting an explanation of (1) protocols for reduction of resource consumption; (2) efficient and conservative equipment; and (3) energy usage plans the business …

Adult-Use Cannabis in California

5 Quick Facts About Adult-Use Cannabis in California

On January 1, 2018, it became legal for adults at least 21 years of age to purchase cannabis in the state of California without a physician’s recommendation. Nearly three months since this milestone, the rules surrounding cannabis, and especially cannabis business licensing, remain unclear. To help you understand the complexities of the cannabis market, we’ve put together a list of …