Ask Me Anything - New Jersey Cannabis Market

Ask Me Anything: New Jersey Cannabis Questions

Answers for all your questions about the New Jersey cannabis market and licensing process. What cannabis business licenses are currently available in New Jersey? There are currently eight (8) cannabis business license types available in New Jersey:  Cultivator Processing Wholesaler  Distributor  Retailer  Delivery Microbusiness What are the licensing restrictions for cannabis cultivator licenses in New Jersey? The number of licenses …

Ask Me Anything: New York

Ask Me Anything: New York Cannabis Questions

Answers for all your questions about the New York cannabis market and licensing process. Who qualifies for  social equity, adult-use cannabis retail dispensary licenses in New York? The Marijuana Regulation Taxation Act (MRTA) sets the following qualifications for social equity applicants:  What are the ownership requirements for a cannabis business entity to be considered a social equity applicant? To be …

What is Cannabis Extraction?

What is Cannabis Extraction?

Extraction Methodologies Cannabis extraction is a process in which the active ingredients in the cannabis plant are extracted to create a more potent cannabis product, such as concentrates or edibles. Processed cannabis products can be liquids, solids, or semisolids, and there are many different kinds of cannabis extraction, each with their own uses and benefits. CO2 Extraction Plant matter is …